
Novice Class Rules

The Novice Class has a minimal fee, $162.00. You must be a WCB member and register for the class by the regular entry deadline, usually three weeks prior to the competition. A “novice” is a person who is new to the competition arena and cannot be a CJF or teach at a Horseshoeing School. Each novice competitor will be paired with a striker – someone who is experienced in the competition arena. The striker will help through out the class, but will not be allowed to rasp on the horseshoe being made. The novice class time limit is 60 minutes. The horseshoes made will be different at each competition. The competition judge will give specifications as to what will be made. The judge has the final say. The Novice Class will also have its own Match Play Bracket.

Category 1 Rules

A category 1 competitor is an entry level competitor who is just starting out and has not won a category 1 competition. Time limit is 60 minutes in the forging classes and 70 minutes in the shoeing class. A category 1 competitor is allowed a striker in the individual class, however, that striker will not be allowed to rasp on the shoe. The category 1 competitor must me a current WCB member.

Category 2 Rules

A category 2 competitor is a competitor who has not competed in an open division contest. A category 2 competitor will not be allowed a striker in the individual class and must rasp on their own shoes in all the classes. The time limit in category 2 is 60 minutes in the forging classes and 70 minutes in the shoeing class. The judge has the final say.  

Category 3 Rules

A category 3 competitor is one who has competed in an open division contest, but who has not won in this division. A category 3 competitor’s time limits are 60 minutes in the forging classes and 70 minutes in the shoeing class. You must be a current WCB member in order to compete. You will not be allowed a striker in the individual class and you must rasp your own horseshoes in the competition. The judge has the final say.  

Category 4 Rules

A category 4 competitor is one who has won at any open division contest. You must be a WCB member, and will not be allowed a striker in the individual class. You must rasp your own horseshoes in any class. Time limits are 60 minutes in the forging classes and 70 minutes in the shoeing class. The judge has the final say.